Arabian Leather Musk 100 ml

Arabian Leather Musk 100 ml

Arabian Leather Musk 100 ml


In the search for a classic perfume that stimulates the senses and captures the attention of those around you, we were determined that the fragrance should be inspired by the rich primal spirit of life and modern elegance. Suitable for formal and romantic encounters with your loved ones, we concluded to create ‘Arabian Leather,’ a fragrance with the distinctive aroma of Arabian leather, the authenticity of oud, and the idea of sophistication and authenticity, all at once. It is centered around the elegant velvety touch of musk and the delightful cocoa that gives a charming depth. It is crowned with the innocent sweet scent of wild berries with fruity refreshing hints. And so the story began.

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Beyond Captivation

The luxurious scent of leather blended with authentic oriental oud, crowned with touches of luscious wild berries on a base of luxurious velvety musk and sweet Top notes:
Blackberry: Sweet and refreshing fruity scent.

Oud: Woody, warm, and authentic aroma. Leather: Unique smoky scent resembling burning damp woods.

Musk: Velvety authenticity scent. Cocoa: Sweet and soft scent.
Inviting and luxurious, oriental fragrances exude distinctive character, lending an aura of sensuality and mystery to those who embrace them. Signature elements in oriental perfumes often encompass sandalwood, patchouli, vanilla, and resins.

Known for its association with gentleness, tenderness, and comfort, Musk plays a pivotal role in enhancing the stability of other, more volatile notes within a fragrance and also introduces an element of softness, sweetness, and sensuality to the overall composition.


Size : 100ml

Weight 2 kg
Dimensions 12 × 8 × 15 cm


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